Available Species

This table shows all the species, arranged taxonomically, that are still available to be sponsored. Click on the species name to go to the page where it can be sponsored.
Tier 2020 Sponsor 2021 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor 2024 Sponsor
Mute Swan Tier Five - - - - -
Trumpeter Swan Tier Three - - - - -
Blue-winged Teal Tier Five - - - - -
Northern Shoveler Tier Five - - - - -
Gadwall Tier Five - - - - -
American Wigeon Tier Five - - - - -
Mallard Tier Five - - - - -
American Black Duck Tier Three - - - - -
Northern Pintail Tier Four - - - - -
Green-winged Teal Tier Five - - - - -
Redhead Tier Five - - - - -
Ring-necked Duck Tier Five - - - - -
Common Goldeneye Tier Five - - - - -
Red-breasted Merganser Tier Five - - - - -
Ruddy Duck Tier Five - - - - -
Ring-necked Pheasant Tier Four - - - - -
Ruffed Grouse Tier Three - - - Deb Cohen -
Spruce Grouse Tier Three - - - - -
Wild Turkey Tier Three - - - - -
Pied-billed Grebe Tier Five - - - - -
Rock Pigeon Tier Five - - Rick Werwaiss in honor of Gretchen Werwaiss - -
Mourning Dove Tier Five Karin Moot Quillinan, in memory of Kerstin Valborg Moot, my mother and my best friend. - - - -
Yellow-billed Cuckoo Tier Five - - - - -
Common Nighthawk Tier Four - - - - -
Chuck-will's-widow Tier Five - - - - -
Eastern Whip-poor-will Tier Four - - - - -
Chimney Swift Tier Five Bill Ostrander - Bill Ostrander Bill Ostrander -
Ruby-throated Hummingbird Tier Three - - - - -
King Rail Tier Five - - Farah & Stefan Mutchnick - -
Clapper Rail Tier Five - - - - -
Virginia Rail Tier Five Chris Franks Mike Birmingham - - -
Sora Tier Five - - Joseph Wallace - -
Common Gallinule Tier Five - - - - -
Black Rail Tier Five - - - - -
Sandhill Crane Tier Three Sue Boettger: In Honor of the International Crane Foundation - - - -
Piping Plover Tier Two - - - - -
Killdeer Tier Five - Huntington-Oyster Bay Audubon Society - - -
Upland Sandpiper Tier Four - - Farah & Stefan Mutchnick - -
American Woodcock Tier Three - - - - Deborah Cohen, in honor of Kathryn, Marian and Margaret
Wilson's Snipe Tier Five - - - - -
Wilson's Phalarope Tier Five - - - - -
Willet Tier Five Joseph Wallace, to my father, Stanley, who introduced me to birding. - - - -
Laughing Gull Tier Five - - - - -
Ring-billed Gull Tier Five - - - - -
Herring Gull Tier Five - - - - -
Great Black-backed Gull Tier Five - - - - -
Gull-billed Tern Tier Five - - - - -
Caspian Tern Tier Five - - - - Gale VerHague
Black Tern Tier Four Carol Simpson & Kim Merchant Gregory Lawrence Gregory Lawrence - -
Roseate Tern Tier Three - - - - -
Common Tern Tier Four - - - - -
Forster's Tern Tier Five - - - - -
Black Skimmer Tier Four - - - - Barbara Mansell
Common Loon Tier One - - - - -
Double-crested Cormorant Tier Five - - - - -
American Bittern Tier Five Farah & Stefan Mutchnick Farah & Stefan Mutchnick Farah & Stefan Mutchnick Farah & Stefan Mutchnick Farah & Stefan Mutchnick
Least Bittern Tier Four - - - - -
Great Blue Heron Tier Three - - - - -
Great Egret Tier Three Audubon New York Audubon New York Audubon New York Audubon New York -
Snowy Egret Tier Four - - - - -
Little Blue Heron Tier Five Marian Sole - - - -
Tricolored Heron Tier Five - - - - -
Cattle Egret Tier Five - - - - -
Green Heron Tier Five - Marian Sole - Marian Sole -
Black-crowned Night-Heron Tier Four - - - - -
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Tier Four - - - - -
Glossy Ibis Tier Four - - - - -
Black Vulture Tier Five Wendy Tocci - - - -
Turkey Vulture Tier Five - - - - -
Northern Harrier Tier Three - - - - -
Sharp-shinned Hawk Tier Four - - - - -
Northern Goshawk Tier Four - - - - -
Bald Eagle Tier Two - - - - -
Red-shouldered Hawk Tier Four - - - - -
Broad-winged Hawk Tier Five Winnie Burkett - - Michael Sprintz Winnie Burkett
Red-tailed Hawk Tier Four - - - - -
Barn Owl Tier Four Beverly Schlesinger, in honor of Murry, who loved bird watching Beverly Schlesinger, in honor of Murry, who loved bird watching Beverly Schlesinger Beverly Schlesinger, in honor of Murry Schlesinger -
Eastern Screech-Owl Tier Five Ernie Lewis Odonata Sanctuary, in honor of the ANSS and the Melcher Family Anne Swaim - -
Great Horned Owl Tier Four - - - - -
Long-eared Owl Tier Four - - - - -
Short-eared Owl Tier Three - - - - -
Northern Saw-whet Owl Tier Three Carena Pooth, in memory of Herbert A. Thompson Carena Pooth, in memory of Herbert A. Thompson Carena Pooth, in memory of Herbert A. Thompson Carena Pooth, in memory of Herbert A. Thompson Carena Pooth, in memory of Herbert A. Thompson
Belted Kingfisher Tier Three - - - - -
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Tier Three - - - - -
Red-headed Woodpecker Tier Three - - - - -
Red-bellied Woodpecker Tier Five Anonymous - - M. Carol Leber, in memory of Alison Leber M. Carol Leber
Black-backed Woodpecker Tier Four - Katie Brown - - -
Downy Woodpecker Tier Five - John Burroughs Natural History Society, in Memory of John Burroughs - one of his favorite birds. - - -
Hairy Woodpecker Tier Five - - - - -
Pileated Woodpecker Tier One - - - - -
Peregrine Falcon Tier Two - - - - -
Monk Parakeet Tier Five - - - - -
Olive-sided Flycatcher Tier Four - - - - -
Eastern Wood-Pewee Tier Five - - - - -
Alder Flycatcher Tier Five - - - - -
Willow Flycatcher Tier Five - - - - -
Least Flycatcher Tier Five - - - - -
Eastern Phoebe Tier Five Deborah Cohen - - - -
White-eyed Vireo Tier Five - - - - -
Blue-headed Vireo Tier Five Steve Rappaport Steve Rappaport Steve Rappaport Steve Rappaport -
Philadelphia Vireo Tier Five Larry Master, in memory of Robert Rugg - - - -
Warbling Vireo Tier Five - - - - -
Red-eyed Vireo Tier Five - - - - -
Canada Jay Tier Four - Anonymous - - -
American Crow Tier Five - - - The Crow Research Group: In honor of our student members, past and present -
Fish Crow Tier Five - Anne B. Clark, in honor of Connor O'Horo Loomis-The Fish Crow-er - Anne B. Clark, in honor of Connor O'Horo Loomis-The Fish Crow-er -
Black-capped Chickadee Tier Two - - - - -
Boreal Chickadee Tier Four - - - - -
Tufted Titmouse Tier Five - - - - -
Horned Lark Tier Four - - - - -
Northern Rough-winged Swallow Tier Five - Jerry Thurn, to the nesting colony in atlas block East Aurora NW - - -
Purple Martin Tier Four - - - - -
Tree Swallow Tier Five John Parker - - Steven Melcher, in honor of Odonata Sanctuary -
Bank Swallow Tier Five - - - - -
Cliff Swallow Tier Five - - - - -
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Tier Five - - - - -
Brown Creeper Tier Five Margaret Roach Bill Ostrander Margaret Roach Patricia Lindsay, in memory of Holly Wilson -
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Tier Five - - - - -
House Wren Tier Five Saw Mill River Audubon Saw Mill River Audubon - - -
Winter Wren Tier Five - James Sutton and Rich White - - Daniel E Crane
Sedge Wren Tier Four - - - - -
Marsh Wren Tier Five - - - - -
European Starling Tier Five - - - - -
Brown Thrasher Tier Five Huntington-Oyster Bay Audubon Society - - - -
Northern Mockingbird Tier Five - Mary Vanderkam, in honor of bird-watchers Dan and Alex Owen Whitby Owen Whitby Owen Whitby
Eastern Bluebird Tier One - - - - -
Veery Tier Five - - - - -
Bicknell's Thrush Tier Two - - - - -
Swainson's Thrush Tier Four - - - - -
Hermit Thrush Tier Five Maria DeLuca Anonymous - - Laura Cannamela
American Robin Tier Five - - - - -
House Sparrow Tier Five - - - - -
House Finch Tier Five - - - - -
Purple Finch Tier Five - - - Mike Morgante -
Red Crossbill Tier Five - - - - -
White-winged Crossbill Tier Five - - James Sutton and Rich White - -
American Goldfinch Tier Four - - - - -
Chipping Sparrow Tier Five - - - - -
Clay-colored Sparrow Tier Five - - - - -
Grasshopper Sparrow Tier Five - - - - -
Vesper Sparrow Tier Five - - - - -
Seaside Sparrow Tier Five - - - - -
Saltmarsh Sparrow Tier Four - - - - -
Savannah Sparrow Tier Five - - - - -
Henslow's Sparrow Tier Four - - - - -
Song Sparrow Tier Five Patricia Lindsay - - - Patricia Lindsay
Eastern Towhee Tier Five - - - - -
Yellow-breasted Chat Tier Four - - Katie Brown - -
Bobolink Tier Three - - - - -
Eastern Meadowlark Tier Four - - - - -
Orchard Oriole Tier Five - Onondaga Audobon Sociey, In gratitude to Julie Hart, who provided an educational program on the BBA to our members & friends - Onondaga Audubon Society -
Red-winged Blackbird Tier Five Andrew Mason Andy Mason - Andy Mason Andy Mason
Brown-headed Cowbird Tier Five - - - - -
Rusty Blackbird Tier Four - - - - -
Boat-tailed Grackle Tier Five - - - - -
Ovenbird Tier Five Winnie Burkett - - - -
Worm-eating Warbler Tier Five Chemung Valley Audubon Society - Chemung Valley Audubon Society Chemung Valley Audubon Society -
Northern Waterthrush Tier Five - - - - -
Golden-winged Warbler Tier Three - - - - -
Blue-winged Warbler Tier Five Alan Devoe Bird Club Alan Devoe Bird Club - North Country Bird Club in honor of Jeff Bolsinger Alan Devoe Bird Club
Black-and-white Warbler Tier Five - - - - -
Tennessee Warbler Tier Five - - - - -
Nashville Warbler Tier Five - - - - -
Kentucky Warbler Tier Five - - - - -
Hooded Warbler Tier Four Anonymous - - Paul Rodewald Mike Morgante
American Redstart Tier Four - - - - -
Cape May Warbler Tier Five - - - - -
Cerulean Warbler Tier Four - - - - -
Northern Parula Tier Five Scott Meier - - - -
Magnolia Warbler Tier Five - - - - -
Bay-breasted Warbler Tier Five - - - - -
Blackburnian Warbler Tier Three - - - - -
Yellow Warbler Tier Four - - - - -
Blackpoll Warbler Tier Four - - - - -
Black-throated Blue Warbler Tier Five Anne Swaim Bonnie Parton - - -
Palm Warbler Tier Five - - - - -
Yellow-rumped Warbler Tier Four - - - - -
Yellow-throated Warbler Tier Five - - - - -
Canada Warbler Tier Four - - - - -
Wilson's Warbler Tier Four - - - - -
Scarlet Tanager Tier Three - Deborah Cohen - - -
Northern Cardinal Tier Three - - - - -
Rose-breasted Grosbeak Tier Two Hudson-Mohawk Bird Club Hudson-Mohawk Bird Club Hudson-Mohawk Bird Club - -
Blue Grosbeak Tier Five - - - - -
Indigo Bunting Tier Four - - - Sandy Bright, in honor of the bird who sang at our marriage Sandy, to Charlie and to the Indigo Bunting that sang at our Franklin Mt. Hawkwatch wedding