Fully Sponsored Species

These species have been sponsored for all five years of the Atlas project. Clicking on the species name takes you to a page that gives much more information about each species in New York State.
Tier 2020 Sponsor 2021 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor 2024 Sponsor
Canada Goose Tier 5 In memory of Margaret B. Mathis In memory of Margaret B. Mathis In memory of Margaret B. Mathis In memory of Margaret B. Mathis In memory of Margaret B. Mathis
Wood Duck Tier 2 Rochester Birding Association Rochester Birding Association Rochester Birding Association Rochester Birding Association Rochester Birding Association
Hooded Merganser Tier 4 Janet Allison Janet Allison Janet Allison Janet Allison Janet Allison
Common Merganser Tier 5 Lynn & John Salmon Lynn & John Salmon Lynn & John Salmon Lynn & John Salmon Lynn & John Salmon
Black-billed Cuckoo Tier 5 Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack
Chuck-wills Widow Tier 5 Samantha Cassetta, for Vincent, in honor of the best-timed game of catch Samantha Cassetta, for Vincent, in honor of the best-timed game of catch Samantha Cassetta, for Vincent, in honor of the best-timed game of catch Samantha Cassetta, for Vincent, in honor of the best-timed game of catch Samantha Cassetta, for Vincent, in honor of the best-timed game of catch
American Coot Tier 5 Stefan & Farah Mutchnick Stefan & Farah Mutchnick Stefan & Farah Mutchnick Stefan & Farah Mutchnick Stefan & Farah Mutchnick
American Oystercatcher Tier 4 Farah & Stefan Mutchnick Farah & Stefan Mutchnick Farah & Stefan Mutchnick Farah & Stefan Mutchnick Farah & Stefan Mutchnick
Spotted Sandpiper Tier 5 Great South Bay Audubon Society Great South Bay Audubon Society Great South Bay Audubon Society Great South Bay Audubon Society Great South Bay Audubon Society
Least Tern Tier 5 New York State Young Birders Club New York State Young Birders Club New York State Young Birders Club New York State Young Birders Club New York State Young Birders Club
American Bittern Tier 5 Farah & Stefan Mutchnick Farah & Stefan Mutchnick Farah & Stefan Mutchnick Farah & Stefan Mutchnick Farah & Stefan Mutchnick
Osprey Tier 3 Cayuga Bird Club Cayuga Bird Club Cayuga Bird Club Cayuga Bird Club Cayuga Bird Club
Cooper's Hawk Tier 4 Debbie and Jacques van Zyl, in honor of Tex Cooper Debbie and Jacques van Zyl, in honor of Tex Cooper Debbie and Jacques van Zyl, in honor of Tex Cooper Debbie and Jacques van Zyl, in honor of Tex Cooper Debbie and Jacques van Zyl, in honor of Tex Cooper
Barred Owl Tier 5 Susan L Iannucci Susan L Iannucci Susan L Iannucci Susan L Iannucci Susan L Iannucci
Northern Saw-whet Owl Tier 3 Carena Pooth, in memory of Herbert A. Thompson Carena Pooth, in memory of Herbert A. Thompson Carena Pooth, in memory of Herbert A. Thompson Carena Pooth, in memory of Herbert A. Thompson Carena Pooth, in memory of Herbert A. Thompson
Northern Flicker Tier 5 Linda M. Kleinhenz, O.D. Linda M. Kleinhenz, O.D. Linda M. Kleinhenz, O.D. Linda M. Kleinhenz, O.D. Linda M. Kleinhenz, O.D.
American Kestrel Tier 4 New York City Audubon in honor of Breeding Bird Atlas III volunteers in New York City New York City Audubon in honor of Breeding Bird Atlas III volunteers in New York City New York City Audubon in honor of Breeding Bird Atlas III volunteers in New York City New York City Audubon in honor of Breeding Bird Atlas III volunteers in New York City New York City Audubon in honor of Breeding Bird Atlas III volunteers in New York City
Merlin Tier 4 Barbara Mansell, in memory of my dad, Merlin Arthur Evans Barbara Mansell, in memory of my dad, Merlin Arthur Evans Barbara Mansell, in memory of my dad, Merlin Arthur Evans Barbara Mansell, in memory of my dad, Merlin Arthur Evans Sandy Bright/Charlie Scheim
Olive-sided Flycatcher Tier 4 Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Tier 5 Julie Hart & Daniel Schlaepfer Julie Hart & Daniel Schlaepfer Julie Hart & Daniel Schlaepfer Julie Hart & Daniel Schlaepfer Julie Hart & Daniel Schlaepfer
Acadian Flycatcher Tier 5 Renee Kittleman Renee Kittleman Renee Kittleman Renee Kittleman Renee Kittleman
Great Crested Flycatcher Tier 5 Kathryn and William Schneider Kathryn and William Schneider Kathryn and William Schneider Kathryn and William Schneider Kathryn and William Schneider
Eastern Kingbird Tier 5 New York State Ornithological Association New York State Ornithological Association New York State Ornithological Association New York State Ornithological Association New York State Ornithological Association
Yellow-throated Vireo Tier 5 John Kent John Kent John Kent John Kent John Kent
Blue-headed Vireo Tier 5 Steve Rappaport Steve Rappaport Steve Rappaport Steve Rappaport Steve Rappaport
Blue Jay Tier 5 Wild Birds Unlimited of Blasdell, NY (Marilyn O'Connell & Danielle Pecoraro) Wild Birds Unlimited of Blasdell, NY (Marilyn O'Connell & Danielle Pecoraro) Wild Birds Unlimited of Blasdell, NY (Marilyn O'Connell & Danielle Pecoraro) Wild Birds Unlimited of Blasdell, NY (Marilyn O'Connell & Danielle Pecoraro) Wild Birds Unlimited of Blasdell, NY (Marilyn O'Connell & Danielle Pecoraro)
Common Raven Tier 4 Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack
Barn Swallow Tier 5 Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack
Golden-crowned Kinglet Tier 5 Kathryn Schneider Kathryn Schneider Kathryn Schneider Kathryn Schneider Kathryn Schneider
Red-breasted Nuthatch Tier 5 Lois Geshwilm Lois Geshwilm Lois Geshwilm Lois Geshwilm Lois Geshwilm
White-breasted Nuthatch Tier 5 Chris Kennelly Chris Kennelly Chris Kennelly Chris Kennelly Chris Kennelly
Brown Creeper Tier 5 Margaret Roach Bill Ostrander Margaret Roach Patricia Lindsay, in memory of Holly Wilson Anonymous
Carolina Wren Tier 5 M. Carol Leber; Gwen and Troy Weldy, in honor of Anne and Robert Hudgins intoBirds; Gwen and Troy Weldy, in honor of Anne and Robert Hudgins M. Carol Leber; Gwen and Troy Weldy, in honor of Anne and Robert Hudgins Gwen and Troy Weldy, in honor of Anne and Robert Hudgins Gwen and Troy Weldy, in honor of Anne and Robert Hudgins
European Starling Tier 5 Barbara Schelkle Barbara Schelkle Barbara Schelkle Barbara Schelkle Barbara Schelkle
Gray Catbird Tier 5 Deb and Edgar, in honor of: Margaret, the CATBIRD lady! Deb and Edgar, in honor of: Margaret, the CATBIRD lady! Winston T. M. Calhoun; Deb and Edgar, in honor of: Margaret, the CATBIRD lady! Deb and Edgar, in honor of: Margaret, the CATBIRD lady! Deb and Edgar, in honor of: Margaret, the CATBIRD lady!
Wood Thrush Tier 5 Ralph T. Waterman Bird Club, Kristina Kolesar Ralph T. Waterman Bird Club, Karen Roberts Mort Ralph T. Waterman Bird Club, Melissa Peterson Ralph T. Waterman Bird Club Ralph T. Waterman Bird Club
Cedar Waxwing Tier 5 Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Jeffrey Roth
Evening Grosbeak Tier 5 Nancy Castillo Nancy Castillo Nancy Castillo Nancy Castillo Nancy Castillo
Pine Siskin Tier 5 Alejandra Lewandowski Alejandra Lewandowski Alejandra Lewandowski Alejandra Lewandowski Alejandra Lewandowski
Field Sparrow Tier 5 John W Fitzpatrick John W Fitzpatrick John W Fitzpatrick John W Fitzpatrick John W Fitzpatrick
Dark-eyed Junco Tier 5 Bill Schneider Bill Schneider Bill Schneider Bill Schneider Bill Schneider
White-throated Sparrow Tier 5 Kathryn J. Schneider Kathryn J. Schneider Kathryn J. Schneider Kathryn J. Schneider Kathryn J. Schneider
Lincoln's Sparrow Tier 5 Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack; Daniel E Crane Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack In memory of brothers Dan and Ken, and the peaceful times we spent with birds. ;Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack
Swamp Sparrow Tier 5 Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack Leigh McBride & Mack McCormack
Baltimore Oriole Tier 3 Dr. Brian Rohrs and Ms. Gayle Lazoration, in honor of the breeding BAORs at La Casa Mocha Dr. Brian Rohrs and Ms. Gayle Lazoration, in honor of the breeding BAORs at La Casa Mocha Dr. Brian Rohrs and Ms. Gayle Lazoration, in honor of the breeding BAORs at La Casa Mocha Dr. Brian Rohrs and Ms. Gayle Lazoration, in honor of the breeding BAORs at La Casa Mocha Dr. Brian Rohrs and Ms. Gayle Lazoration, in honor of the breeding BAORs at La Casa Mocha
Common Grackle Tier 5 Steph Foraker, in memory of C Merle Foraker Steph Foraker, in memory of C Merle Foraker Steph Foraker, in memory of C Merle Foraker Steph Foraker, in memory of C Merle Foraker Steph Foraker, in memory of C Merle Foraker
Louisiana Waterthrush Tier 5 Suan Hsi Yong Suan Hsi Yong Suan Hsi Yong Suan Hsi Yong Suan Hsi Yong
Black-and-White Warbler Tier 5 Kathryn and William Schneider Kathryn and William Schneider Kathryn and William Schneider Kathryn and William Schneider Kathryn and William Schneider
Prothonotary Warbler Tier 5 Renee Lucier Renee Lucier Renee Lucier Renee Lucier Renee Lucier
Mourning Warbler Tier 5 Bruce Dudek Bruce Dudek Bruce Dudek Bruce Dudek Bruce Dudek
Common Yellowthroat Tier 5 Ralph T Waterman Bird Club Ralph T Waterman Bird Club Ralph T Waterman Bird Club Ralph T Waterman Bird Club Ralph T Waterman Bird Club
Chestnut-sided Warbler Tier 5 Vincent Pellegrino Vincent Pellegrino Vincent Pellegrino Vincent Pellegrino Vincent Pellegrino
Pine Warbler Tier 5 Mary Jane Dugan Mary Jane Dugan Mary Jane Dugan Mary Jane Dugan Mary Jane Dugan
Prairie Warbler Tier 5 Mary Normandia Mary Normandia Mary Normandia Mary Normandia Mary Normandia
Black-throated Green Warbler Tier 5 Nancy Castillo and Lois Geshiwlm Nancy Castillo and Lois Geshiwlm Nancy Castillo and Lois Geshiwlm Nancy Castillo and Lois Geshiwlm Nancy Castillo and Lois Geshiwlm