Tier 4 Species - $200

2020 Sponsor 2021 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor 2024 Sponsor Total Raised
Northern Pintail - - - - - -
Ring-necked Pheasant - - - - - -
Common Nighthawk - - - - - -
Eastern Whip-poor-will - - - - - -
Upland Sandpiper - - Farah & Stefan Mutchnick - - -
Black Tern Carol Simpson & Kim Merchant Gregory Lawrence Gregory Lawrence - - $600
Common Tern - - - - - -
Black Skimmer - - - - Barbara Mansell $200
Least Bittern - - - - - -
Snowy Egret - - - - - -
Black-crowned Night-Heron - - - - - -
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron - - - - - -
Glossy Ibis - - - - - -
Sharp-shinned Hawk - - - - - -
Northern Goshawk - - - - - -
Red-shouldered Hawk - - - - - -
Red-tailed Hawk - - - - - -
Barn Owl Beverly Schlesinger, in honor of Murry, who loved bird watching Beverly Schlesinger, in honor of Murry, who loved bird watching Beverly Schlesinger Beverly Schlesinger, in honor of Murry Schlesinger - $800
Great Horned Owl - - - - - -
Long-eared Owl - - - - - -
Black-backed Woodpecker - Katie Brown - - - $200
Olive-sided Flycatcher - - - - - -
Canada Jay - Anonymous - - - $200
Boreal Chickadee - - - - - -
Horned Lark - - - - - -
Purple Martin - - - - - -
Sedge Wren - - - - - -
Swainson's Thrush - - - - - -
American Goldfinch - - - - - -
Saltmarsh Sparrow - - - - - -
Henslow's Sparrow - - - - - -
Yellow-breasted Chat - - Katie Brown - - -
Eastern Meadowlark - - - - - -
Rusty Blackbird - - - - - -
Hooded Warbler Anonymous - - Paul Rodewald Mike Morgante $600
American Redstart - - - - - -
Cerulean Warbler - - - - - -
Yellow Warbler - - - - - -
Blackpoll Warbler - - - - - -
Yellow-rumped Warbler - - - - - -
Canada Warbler - - - - - -
Wilson's Warbler - - - - - -
Indigo Bunting - - - Sandy Bright, in honor of the bird who sang at our marriage Sandy, to Charlie and to the Indigo Bunting that sang at our Franklin Mt. Hawkwatch wedding $400