Tier 5 Species - $100

2020 Sponsor 2021 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor 2024 Sponsor Total Raised
Mute Swan - - - - - -
Blue-winged Teal - - - - - -
Northern Shoveler - - - - - -
Gadwall - - - - - -
American Wigeon - - - - - -
Mallard - - - - - -
Green-winged Teal - - - - - -
Redhead - - - - - -
Ring-necked Duck - - - - - -
Common Goldeneye - - - - - -
Red-breasted Merganser - - - - - -
Ruddy Duck - - - - - -
Pied-billed Grebe - - - - - -
Rock Pigeon - - Rick Werwaiss in honor of Gretchen Werwaiss - - 100
Mourning Dove Karin Moot Quillinan, in memory of Kerstin Valborg Moot, my mother and my best friend. - - - - -
Yellow-billed Cuckoo - - - - - -
Chimney Swift Bill Ostrander - Bill Ostrander Bill Ostrander - $200
King Rail - - Farah & Stefan Mutchnick - - -
Clapper Rail - - - - - -
Virginia Rail Chris Franks Mike Birmingham - - - $100
Sora - - Joseph Wallace - - $100
Common Gallinule - - - - - -
Black Rail Farah & Stefan Mutchnick - - - - $100
Killdeer - Huntington-Oyster Bay Audubon Society - - - -
Wilson's Snipe - - - - - -
Wilson's Phalarope - - - - - -
Willet Joseph Wallace, to my father, Stanley, who introduced me to birding. - - - - -
Laughing Gull - - - - - -
Ring-billed Gull - - - - - -
Herring Gull - - - - - -
Great Black-backed Gull - - - - - -
Gull-billed Tern - - - - - -
Caspian Tern - - - - Gale VerHague -
Forster's Tern - - - - - -
Double-crested Cormorant - - - - - -
American Bittern Farah & Stefan Mutchnick Farah & Stefan Mutchnick Farah & Stefan Mutchnick Farah & Stefan Mutchnick Farah & Stefan Mutchnick 500
Little Blue Heron Marian Sole - - - - $100
Tricolored Heron - - - - - -
Cattle Egret - - - - - -
Green Heron - Marian Sole - Marian Sole - $200
Black Vulture Wendy Tocci - - - - -
Turkey Vulture - - - - - -
Broad-winged Hawk Winnie Burkett - - Michael Sprintz Winnie Burkett $300
Eastern Screech-Owl Ernie Lewis Odonata Sanctuary, in honor of the ANSS and the Melcher Family Anne Swaim - - $300
Red-bellied Woodpecker Anonymous - - M. Carol Leber, in memory of Alison Leber M. Carol Leber $300
Downy Woodpecker - John Burroughs Natural History Society, in Memory of John Burroughs - one of his favorite birds. - - - $100
Hairy Woodpecker - - - - - -
Monk Parakeet - - - - - -
Eastern Wood-Pewee - - - - - -
Alder Flycatcher - - - - - -
Willow Flycatcher - - - - - -
Least Flycatcher - - - - - -
Eastern Phoebe Deborah Cohen - - - - $100
White-eyed Vireo - - - - - -
Philadelphia Vireo Larry Master, in memory of Robert Rugg - - - - $100
Warbling Vireo - - - - - -
Red-eyed Vireo - - - - - -
American Crow - - - The Crow Research Group: In honor of our student members, past and present - $100
Fish Crow - Anne B. Clark, in honor of Connor O'Horo Loomis-The Fish Crow-er - Anne B. Clark, in honor of Connor O'Horo Loomis-The Fish Crow-er - $200
Tufted Titmouse - - - - - -
Northern Rough-winged Swallow - Jerry Thurn, to the nesting colony in atlas block East Aurora NW - - - $100
Tree Swallow John Parker - - Steven Melcher, in honor of Odonata Sanctuary - $200
Bank Swallow - - - - - -
Cliff Swallow - - - - - -
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - - - - - -
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - - - - - -
House Wren Saw Mill River Audubon Saw Mill River Audubon - - - 200
Winter Wren - James Sutton and Rich White - - Daniel E Crane $200
Marsh Wren - - - - - -
European Starling Barbara Schelkle Barbara Schelkle Barbara Schelkle Barbara Schelkle Barbara Schelkle $500
Brown Thrasher Huntington-Oyster Bay Audubon Society - - - - $100
Northern Mockingbird - Mary Vanderkam, in honor of bird-watchers Dan and Alex Owen Whitby Owen Whitby Owen Whitby $400
Veery - - - - - -
Hermit Thrush Maria DeLuca Anonymous - - Laura Cannamela -
American Robin - - - - - -
House Sparrow - - - - - -
House Finch - - - - - -
Purple Finch - - - Mike Morgante - $100
Red Crossbill - - - - - -
White-winged Crossbill - - James Sutton and Rich White - - $100
Chipping Sparrow - - - - - -
Clay-colored Sparrow - - - - - -
Grasshopper Sparrow - - - - - -
Vesper Sparrow - - - - - -
Seaside Sparrow - - - - - -
Savannah Sparrow - - - - - -
Song Sparrow Patricia Lindsay - - - Patricia Lindsay $200
Eastern Towhee - Diane Stonestreet - - - -
Orchard Oriole - Onondaga Audobon Sociey, In gratitude to Julie Hart, who provided an educational program on the BBA to our members & friends - Onondaga Audubon Society - $200
Red-winged Blackbird Andrew Mason Andy Mason - Andy Mason Andy Mason $400
Brown-headed Cowbird - - - - - -
Boat-tailed Grackle - - - - - -
Ovenbird Winnie Burkett - - - - $100
Worm-eating Warbler Chemung Valley Audubon Society - Chemung Valley Audubon Society Chemung Valley Audubon Society - $200
Northern Waterthrush - - - - - -
Blue-winged Warbler Alan Devoe Bird Club Alan Devoe Bird Club - North Country Bird Club in honor of Jeff Bolsinger Alan Devoe Bird Club 400
Tennessee Warbler - - - - - -
Nashville Warbler - - - - - -
Kentucky Warbler - - - - - -
Cape May Warbler - - - - - -
Northern Parula Scott Meier - - - - 100
Magnolia Warbler - - - - - -
Bay-breasted Warbler - - - - - -
Black-throated Blue Warbler Anne Swaim Bonnie Parton - - - $200
Palm Warbler - - - - - -
Yellow-throated Warbler - - - - - -
Blue Grosbeak - - - - - -